September 13, 2024
IBEW March DEVC meeting

March DEVC Meeting at IBEW Local 68

March 15th, 10am
IBEW Local 68, 5660 Logan St, Denver, CO 80216

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 68 will be hosting our March meeting on the 15th at 10am (coffee will be ready at 9:45am).

This meeting will be a two-way exchange with Electricians learning about EVs and the IBEW Renewable Energy Committee speaking about the solar, wind and EVSE systems at IBEW Local 68.


  • David McNeil- speaking about EVĀ  history and history of the DEVC
  • Helen Crisp- sharing current outlook for EVs, federal and state incentives for buyers, and the need to get the word out
  • Byron James- speaking about committees being developed by the DEVC to address a wide range of issues/interests
  • Mary Broderick- describing the Solar and Wind systems at IBEW 68 and sharing real time monitoring by the Egauge system
  • Other IBEW electricians sharing installation and knowledge about related EVSE and RE projects
  • Open it up to Q&A

This location has four level-2 charging stations available which are free to use.

Click Here for a map to this meeting