The DEVC is starting to form an electric vehicle conversion sub-committee! The following is from an DEVC email to interested members, and we thought the public would be interested too.
Many of you are probably already aware of these, but here are a couple of good discussion list resources for conversions: (The EV Discussion List was by far the largest and most thorough, internationally focused, discussion on all types of conversions – it’s great for digging into specific topics, but can be a little overwhelming and hard to follow at times – however it’s lost a lot of it’s glory in recent years and it not nearly as active as it used to be) (similar to the EVDL but more active, more user friendly and arguably the spiritual heir to the EVDL) (an forum specific to electric motorcycles including both commercially available bikes and conversions) (a forum specific to smaller conversions like scooters, bicycles skateboards and the like – but there’s very little recent activity, so its probably best used strictly as a research tool)
Also, a great resource for vehicles and parts is:
Anyone interested in the DEVC or the EV conversion sub-committee should sign up for a membership or email our president Tim Hass for more information.